In 1973, the first public lending Library appeared in Dunchurch, in the then Township of Hagerman, under the auspices of the Whitestone Lake Central School Home and School Association. At that time, there were two portable classrooms and the one used by the Kindergarten class had only five students. Miss K-Ann Lindsey (now Mrs. K-Ann Bell) taught these students and she graciously allowed the use of half of the space for the Library.
The Algonquin Regional Library was very helpful, providing expertise and materials. After approximately two years in this environment, the kindergarten population expanded and the space was necessary for the students. The Library was moved to the basement of the Community Hall. Again, due to space requirements, the Library was asked to move. The next location was the basement of the Legion at the corner of Highway 124 and Balsam Road. This site soon proved unacceptable due to the damp, and because there were no more options, the Library had to close.
In June 1977, the Township received a Wintario Grant. This along with donations and local help allowed a new Library to be built, on the site where it is still located, which was opened in the fall of the same year. This building was a 24 x 40 frame construction and the new Library proudly boasted a total of 2,800 books, plus many donated paper backs.
On January 4th, 1978, the Township Office moved to the side part of this building and the building was shared until 1997, when the Township Office moved to new premises adjacent to the public beach. The Library was then able to extend into the whole building. In the year 2000, the Library was lucky enough to gain a Bill Gates Foundation Grant and this provided 4 additional Computers, which, added to the one already provided through Human Resources Canada, enabled us to offer Internet access as well as use of the computers for other purposes.
The library was renovated again in November 2017, with interior walls being removed to make more usable space for the busy little library.
In 2020 the library closed for extensive renovations and a large addition, thanks to contributions from the community, the Municipality of Whitestone, the Ontario Trillium Foundation, and FedNor. The community itself raised over $100,000 towards the renovations. The library was rebranded as the Whitestone Public Library and Technology Centre and now boasts two small meeting rooms and a conference room, and an expanded browsing area.