Online Resources

Read & Listen

Libby eBooks & Audiobooks

We have a collection of over 88,000 ebooks and audiobooks available 24/7! All you need to sign in is your library card number. Download the Libby app or click here to access the collection.


CELA Accessible Materials

We offer access to a collection of over 700,000 books, magazines, and newspapers in a choice of accessible formats for people with a print disability through the Centre for Equitable Library Access. Choose your preferred format: audio, e-text or braille. Download books or receive home delivery by mail. Register in-library or contact us for more information.

CBC Corner

The digital portal offering library visitors an opportunity to discover the best Canadian shows, stories & more!

Kids Resources & Homework Help

TVO mPower

TVO mPower

TVO mPower offers free, creative online games that support the development of foundational K-6 math and STEM skills while fostering positive attitudes towards math.

Riveted Lit

Riveted by Simon Teen is an online community for anyone that loves young adult fiction! At Riveted by Simon Teen, you can read YA books for FREE, discover your new favorite books and authors, enter for the chance to win new and upcoming releases, and more!

Khan Academy

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a nonprofit with the mission to provide a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.

Welcome to Your Personal Math Mentor - tvo Mathify

TVO Mathify

TVO offers free tutoring for math homework. Tutors are available online Monday-Friday 9am to 9pm ET and 3:30pm to 9pm ET Sunday.

Learn a New Skill

Mango Languages

Looking to learn a new language? Mango offers over 70 to choose from! Register using this link and download the Mango Languages app to start your language practice.

Tech Boomers

Tech Boomers is a free educational website that teaches older adults and other inexperienced Internet users with basic computer skills about websites that can help improve their quality of life. Visit to access over 100 free courses!

Contact North

Contact North

As a community-based organization, Contact North | Contact Nord helps underserved Ontarians in 800 small, rural, remote, Indigenous and Francophone communities get jobs by making it possible for them to access education and training without leaving their communities. Reach out online.

Local History and Geography

ancestry library edition

Ancestry Library Edition

Explore your family's history with Ancestry Library Edition, available only in-library.

West Parry Sound Geography Network

Explore an interactive map of the area. The West Parry Sound Geography Network hosts an interactive mapping application that works on any device.

Historical Photo Archive

View our collection of local historical photographs and stories.